The Syracuse Eruv Committee announces that the eruv is now functional. A map of the new boundaries for the eruv appears below. The eruv encompasses Sha'arei Torah Orthodox Congregation of Syracuse, Temple Adath Yeshurun, Congregation Beth Shalom-Chevra Shas, Temple Concord, The Chabad House, The Jewish Community Center, and Hillel on the S.U. campus. Please watch this web site for the status of the eruv. The committee would also ask that anyone in the Sha'arei Torah congregation who would volunteer to assist in the inspection of the eruv boundaries contact Rabbi Shore.
The committee would like to express its gratitude to Ed Michalenko (Town of Dewitt Supervisor), Lance Denno (Syracuse Common Councilor), Jim Gorman (National Grid), and Ann Marie Gionet and Mike Clark (Verizon) who have helped bring this project to a successful outcome.