Parshat Shoftim
Dear STOCS Friend: In shul yesterday I shared the following vort. The Torah teaches when a person hates another individual and mortally...
Parshat Re'eh
Dear STOCS Friend: A question posed to me numerous times: does God really care what we put into our mouths? Why should it make a...
Parshat V'etchanan
Dear STOCS Friend: The countdown has begun! Today is the tenth of Av which means two months from now, will be Yom Kippur. How should we...
Parshat Devarim
Dear STOCS Friend: Without mincing words, the Gemara in Yerushalmi states: כל דור שאינו נבנה בימיו מעלין עליו כאילו הוא החריבו Any...
Parshat Pinchas
Dear STOCS Friend: The Midrash teaches men create a breach and women come to repair it. Many times, in Tanach, we see men fomenting...
Parshat Korach
Dear STOCS Friend: As we age, people tend to decrease the amount of sodium in their diet. Many see salt as detrimental to acceptable...
Parshat Nasso
Aristotle is quoted as saying, “Virtue is the golden mean between two extremes." In my forty years of Rabbanus, I have never seen our...
Shavuot Greeting
The count up to Shavuot is almost complete. Every night since Pessach, Jews around the globe have been counting the days and weeks of the...
Parshat Bamidbar
This week we have the privilege of beginning the fourth Book of the Torah, Bamidbar. Immediately the Torah records the command to Moshe...
Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
Dear STOCS Friend: I just spent four days at Turning Stone. My presence was necessary to oversee the kashrut at a conference for the New...